Spiders are not an unusual sight in Texas homes but coming into contact with them is one of the most common phobias people have. While some individuals won’t be bothered when they see an eight-legged visitor in their home, others will find their presence unsettling. Whether you fall into the first category or the second, it’s important to know what actions to avoid to ensure both your safety and the well-being of these beneficial creatures.
Remember, if you do come into close contact with these fascinating animals, there is no need for alarm. Don’t panic, react calmly, and call on Houston spider control right away to let a professional pest control team handle the issue.
What I shouldn’t do if I see a spider?
In all probability, the spider found in your home has a beneficial role to play in keeping the number of insects down. By avoiding panic, educating yourself about local species, and practicing mindful pest control methods, you can eliminate the dangerous species of arachnids from your living space. Here’s what you shouldn’t do:
1. Panic and react aggressively
Maybe the worst thing you can do when you spot a spider inside your walls is to panic and lose your head. A vast majority of spiders are harmless and great helpers in controlling insect populations. Just remain calm and take a deep breath. If you act nervously or aggressively, you may scare them, increasing the chances of bites as their last resort.
2. Assume all spiders are dangerous
Even though they may look scary, most spiders pose no threat to humans. Their first instinct is usually to run away and hide. While caution is advised, there is no reason for unnecessary fear. Try learning more about different types of spiders and ways of telling between venomous and non-venomous species. The more you know, the less anxious you’re likely to be.
3. Use excessive pesticides
One thing you should definitely avoid doing is soaking your home with toxic bug sprays or pesticides that can do more harm than good. If you find a dangerous spider, like a black widow or a brown recluse spider, it’s always best to call on specialists who have natural and targeted solutions to avoid polluting your environment with harmful chemicals.
4. Ignore the spider
Even if you come into contact with a harmless spider, it’s not smart to act as if nothing happened. Ignoring the presence of spiders in your home, especially if there were repeated sightings, can lead to an increase in their populations and a full-blown infestation over time. Reach out to professionals and let them advise you what type of approach works best in your case.
5. Disrupt spider webs unnecessarily
Spider webs not only look fascinating, but they are also some of the toughest materials on Earth. Pound for pound they are much stronger than some of the toughest metals like steel or kevlar. Spiders put in a lot of time and effort in weaving their webs so try resisting the temptation to remove them if you can.
6. Handle spiders without caution
If you’re not sure about the type of spider you are faced with, you shouldn’t try to handle them. Besides venomous bites that require medical attention, some species can deliver painful bites that may cause swelling or skin irritation. If you want to relocate them, always avoid using your bare hands.
7. Neglect cleaning and sealing entry points
If you’re a local or have been living in Houston for some time, you already know that abundant vegetation and warm weather create the perfect conditions for all types of insects and pests. If your home is messy and cluttered and you don’t seal cracks and entry points, spiders will look to your home as a warm and safe hiding place. Keep your place neat and clean and seal the gaps to prevent spiders and other pests from entering.

Who has the reputation for excellence in professional Houston spider control?
Naturalcare Pest Control is known for its pet-friendly approach to keeping homes across the Houston area free of invasive and aggressive pests. As a family-friendly business, we deliver natural solutions that target pests while being completely safe for your plants, bees, butterflies, and other beneficial residents of your garden.
If you’d like to know what causes spiders to invade your home, how you can eradicate them for good, or you have questions about other types of pests that can cause you harm, we’ll lean on our expertise to provide the answers to all these questions and more.
Whether your residence is located around Memorial Park or on the outskirts of town, lush vegetation will draw spiders to your home. Contact us today and we’ll weave our web and take them away!