With its humid subtropical climate and strong tropical influences, Houston is a perfect ecosystem for a whole variety of spiders. With warm weather, lush greenery, diverse wildlife, and human presence, spiders enjoy optimal conditions to thrive in numbers. While some spiders may evoke fear in people, they play a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance by controlling insect populations.
However, not all species of spiders are the same and some do pose a threat, especially to children, elderly, and immunocompromised individuals. Since spiders are common in Texas and some are more invasive than others, it’s good to have a basic knowledge of which ones can play a constructive role and which ones require professional Houston spider removal to eliminate dangerous and invasive arachnids from your property.
What are the most common spiders in Houston?
Encountering spiders in Houston is quite common so there is no need to panic. Even though most spiders have venomous bites, most of them are harmless to humans and would rather avoid contact if possible. Still, some pretty common species like Brown Recluse and Black Widow can cause serious medical complications so it’s best to call on pest control specialists if you see one. Let’s take a look at the most common spiders you can come across and untangle the web!
1. Black and yellow garden spider (Argiope aurantia)
These large, brightly colored spiders are one of the most visually striking spiders in Houston. They are often found in gardens, meadows, and wooded areas, where they build large wheel-shaped webs to catch their prey. Despite their formidable appearance, they are harmless to humans and beneficial for managing pest populations.
2. Brown recluse spider (Loxosceles reclusa)
This is one of the most feared species of spiders across Texas due to its potent tissue-destroying venom. Although their bites can be serious, they are generally shy and only bite when threatened. They are recognizable by the violin-shaped marking on their back and are commonly found in quiet, undisturbed areas like closets, attics, and sheds.
3. Golden silk spider (Nephila clavipes)
Known for their impressive golden silk webs, these large orb-weavers are found in wooded areas and gardens throughout Houston. The females are significantly larger than males and can weave webs spanning several feet. Their silk is not only visually striking but also incredibly strong.
4. Jumping spider (Family Salticidae)
Jumping spiders are recognizable for their big eyes and ability to leap relatively long distances. They have good eyesight and exhibit curious behavior and boldness around humans. They are not afraid to explore their surroundings and are a common sight around gardens and homes, often seen hunting for insects on windows and walls.
5. Orb-weaving spiders (Family Araneidae)
They are great engineers who build intricate, circular webs in gardens, bushes, or near porch lights. There are several species of orb-weaving spiders in the Houston area, including the cat-faced spider (Araneus gemmoides) and the spotted orbweaver (Neoscona crucifera). They are generally harmless to humans and play a crucial role in controlling insect populations.
6. Carolina wolf spider (Hogna carolinensis)
As one of the largest spiders in North America, the Carolina wolf spider can be a frightening sight due to its size. They are ground-dwelling hunters commonly found in grassy and sandy areas running in pursuit of their prey. Despite their imposing size, they are not dangerous or aggressive towards humans.
7. Black widow spider (Latrodectus mactans)
They are easily recognizable by their shiny black body and red hourglass-shaped mark. Southern Black Widow has developed a notorious reputation due to its potent venom that can cause serious issues even in healthy individuals. They usually build their webs in dark, sheltered areas such as garages, outdoor sheds, or beneath decks. If you come into contact with black widow spiders, immediately contact pest control specialists who are trained and equipped to deal with them.

Where can I find a company that offers the best Houston spider removal services near me?
Whether you’re interested in finding out why spiders are coming, how best to eradicate them, or what you shouldn’t do when you find spiders in your home, Naturalcare Pest Control is your go-to team when you want to get rid of stubborn and dangerous pests. With vast experience, professional equipment, and a pet-friendly approach, we have what it takes to deal with your plight in a safe and natural way.
If you live in the vicinity of Bear Creek Park or some other patch of greenery, you may have trouble controlling spider populations in your backyard. While some are useful others are dangerous and require prompt action. Don’t risk unwanted contact, call our professionals today!