Homeowners around the world have trouble with these common pests that are found in and around most homes. They can carry diseases that can harm humans and animals. It’s no wonder that the searches for reliable mosquito control services near me in Houston, TX are more and more common. Read on to learn how to prevent their proliferation and enjoy a peace of mind in your home.
Why is it important to keep mosquitos away from my home?

These insects are a menace, and their bites can cause severe irritation and pain. The illnesses they sometimes carry such as malaria, dengue fever, and Zika virus are dangerous and can even be life-threatening.
The importance of adequate measures when it comes to these insects cannot be overstated. They breed in standing water, and even a little bit of water can make it easy for them to lay their eggs. This makes the complete elimination of these pests from your home quite a challenge.
Still, there are some effective ways to keep them at bay that you can implement in your home:
Remove stagnant water sources
As mentioned, they breed in standing water, so it is crucial to remove any stagnant water sources. This includes emptying flower pots, bird baths, and other containers that hold water. You should also ensure that your gutters and drains are not clogged with debris, as this can create pools of water.
Use nets and screens
Installing quality nets and screens on windows and doors can help keep these pests out of your home. These nets are a physical barrier that prevents them from entering your home and will save you from a lot of unnecessary stress.
Use repellents
Repellent sprays, creams, and lotions are available in the market and can be applied to the skin to repel pests. Additionally, coils and electric repellent mats can be used indoors to keep them at bay.
Seek professional help
If you’re struggling with high populations of these pests in and around your home, it may be time to seek professional help. A well-equipped company can provide customized measures to reduce the populations of these insects effectively.
In addition to implementing the measures in your home, it’s also crucial to take precautions when you are outdoors. Wear long-sleeved clothing and pants, use a tried and tested repellent, and avoid being outside during peak insect activity times, such as dawn and dusk.
Where can I find reliable mosquito control services near me in Houston, TX and the surrounding area?

You can rely on Naturalcare Pest Control to solve your issue. Our techniques have been tested and proven to be highly effective in controlling insect populations in a safe, natural and sustainable manner. Our extensively trained team of professionals utilizes state-of-the-art technology to accurately identify breeding sites, eliminate the larvae and ensure that adult insects are repelled away from the treated areas, whether in your yard or inside of the house.
We strive to provide our clients with high-quality service and make sure that their specific needs and requirements are addressed in a timely and efficient manner. Whether you live close to the Museum of Fine Arts or in another part of the city, we’re here for you. Reach out today and let us help!